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Epoch Interruption

When executing WASM code it is sometimes useful to set a limit on how long it can run for. This can be used to prevent potentially malicious or buggy code from running forever and slowing down your application. Wasmbox includes two mechanisms to do this, Epoch Interruption and Fuel Usage.

Epoch interruption allows a deadline to be set, once that deadline has passed executing code will immediately terminate execution. Epochs are not automatically incremented, your own script must be increasing the epoch when you wish to indicate that time has passed. For example WASM executing within a Job while the main thread increments the epoch every frame.


Epoch Interruption is faster than fuel usage, but requires another thread to increment epochs.

Enabling Epoch Interruption

Epoch Interruption must be enabled in the EngineConfig used to load a WASM Asset:

EngineConfig config = EngineConfig.Default;
config.UseEpochInterruption = true;

If the WASM Asset is precompiled it must also be enabled in the importer:

Compilation Inspector

Setting A Limit

The Epoch limit is set on a Store, all Instances sharing a Store share the same epoch deadline.

Store store; // Get a store from somewhere


Incrementing The Epoch

The epoch is incremented on the Engine, through an EngineConfig.


All WASM Instances loaded with the same EngineConfig share the same epoch. Use EpochGroup to split up identical engine configs if necessary.

EngineConfig config = EngineConfig.Default;

var handle = config.GetEpochGroup();

if (handle == null)
throw new NotImplementedException("handle is null if config.UseEpochInterruption is false!");


Handling An Epoch Timeout

WASM function calls through the Wasmbox generated wrapper code have two trap handling methods: exceptions and results. Set the Trap Handling option in the importer to choose which one to use.

var value = wrapper.hello();
Debug.Log("WASM Result: " + value);
catch (TrapException ex)
Debug.LogError("WASM Trap: " + ex.Type);