📄️ WASM Asset
A WasmAsset is a WASM module which has been imported in the editor from a .wasm or .wat file and converted into a form ready to load at runtime. For WasmAsset editor/inspector documentation see here.
📄️ IWasmAsset
IWasmAsset is an interface which represents a source which a Module can be loaded from. Built in implementations include WasmAsset (imported through the editor) and DynamicWasmAsset (loaded at runtime).
📄️ Dynamic WASM Asset
DynamicWasmAsset is an implementation of IWasmAsset which allows loading of arbitrary data as WASM/WAT code at runtime. Read more about runtime loading of WASM.
📄️ Engine Config
An Engine is used when a WASM Asset is loaded into a LoadedModule. The EngineConfig controls exactly how the asset is loaded and what features are compiled into the code.
📄️ Loaded Module
A LoadedModule represents WASM Asset that has been loaded into memory and is ready to be used to create WASM instances.
📄️ Generated Code
When a .wasm or .wat file is imported the option Generate C# Wrapper Code can be enabled to automatically generate a C# script which "wraps" the WASM module. This wrapper code handles most of the "low level" details of interacting with an instantiated WASM module.
📄️ Future<T>
When an WASM function is transformed into an async WASM function the return value changes from T to Future. A Future object represents the suspended execution of this function call and can be used to resume execution and to eventually retrieve a result.
📄️ FutureRunner<T>
A Future can be converted into a FutureRunner by calling future.ToJob(). A FutureRunner can be resumed inside a Unity job. The FutureRunner is fully integrated with the Unity safety system and will not allow itself to be used incorrectly.
📄️ SimpleWasmMonoBehaviour
SimpleWasmMonoBehaviour provides an easy to use system which can load a WASM module and execute code in it, all from within a standard MonoBehaviour. For more information see this tutorial.
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🗃️ Wasmtime
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