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This scene demonstrates the most usage of WASI (WebAssembly System Interface) with Wasmbox. It is located in Assets\Plugins\PlaceholderSoftware\Wasmbox\Demos.

The Demo Object has a WasiDemoScript attached. The ConfigureLinker method is used to define a random number generator which can be accessed by WASM.

  1. Inspect WasiDemoWat.
    • The Function Imports foldout (near the bottom) shows an import of the WASI function random_get.
    • The Function Exports foldout (near the bottom) shows an export of a function get_random_i64
  2. Open WasiDemoScript.cs.
    • ConfigureLinker gives access to the Linker which can be used to expose things to WASM.
    • FastRandomSource is added to the linker, this provides the required random_get import.
    • OnEnable uses override and calls base.OnEnable(), if you use OnEnable in your scripts which use SimpleWasmMonoBehaviour don't forget to do this!