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Wasmbox currently requires:

  • Unity 2021.3.21 or greater
  • Scripting backend: Mono

Wasmbox is not currently compatible with IL2CPP!

Installation Step-By-Step

  1. Purchase Wasmbox on the Unity Asset Store.
  2. Open the package manager (Window > Package Manager).
  3. Switch to My Assets.
  4. Find Wasmbox in the list of assets.
  5. Click Download or Update.
  6. When the download is complete click Import.

The asset will be installed into Assets/Plugins/PlaceholderSoftware/Wasmbox

Upgrading Step-By-Step

  1. Close the Unity editor.
  2. Delete Assets/Plugins/PlaceholderSoftware/Wasmbox
  3. Re-Open the Unity editor.
  4. Open the package manager (Window > Package Manager).
  5. Switch to My Assets.
  6. Find Wasmbox in the list of assets.
  7. Click Download or Update.
  8. When the download is complete click Import.

The first two steps are important! Deleting the plugin ensures that Unity can replace the native DLLs.

Optional Extras

Assembly Definitions

If your application is using Assembly definitions to organise scripts you must add a reference to Wasmbox before you can use it.

To reference Wasmbox:

  1. Select your .asmdef file
  2. Add a new item to the Assembly Definition References list
  3. Place Wasmbox into the new entry


Wasmbox can make use of the Unity Addressable Asset System to asynchronously load content and to simplify managing WASM dependencies.

To use addressable loading:

  1. Install Addressables 1.19 or greater.
  2. Tick Addressable Loading when importing a WASM Asset.

If asset is inside an assembly definition you must reference Unity.ResourceManager and Unity.Addressables.