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Platform Support

Wasmbox is built using the Wasmtime WebAssembly engine. Wasmbox supported platforms are derived from the Wasmtime supported platforms policy.

Editor Platforms

All editor features of Wasmbox should work in any of the platforms listed here. If you encounter an issue on any of these platforms please open an issue!

Unity PlatformWasmtime PlatformWasmtime Support Tier
Windowsx86_64-pc-windows-msvcTier 1
Linuxx86_64-unknown-linux-gnuTier 1
MacOSx86_64-apple-darwinTier 1
MacOS ARMaarch64-apple-darwinTier 3

Player Platforms

All runtime features of Wasmbox should work in any of the platforms listed here. If you encounter an issue on any of these platforms please open an issue!

Unity PlatformWasmtime PlatformWasmtime Support Tier
Windowsx86_64-pc-windows-msvcTier 1
Windows ARMaarch64-pc-windows-msvcTier 3
Linuxx86_64-unknown-linux-gnuTier 1
Linux ARM (Desktop)aarch64-unknown-linux-gnuTier 2
Linux ARM (Android)Unsupported (WIP)None
MacOSx86_64-apple-darwinTier 1
MacOS ARMaarch64-apple-darwinTier 3


According to the Wasmtime release policy a new version is released every month, which may include breaking changes. Wasmbox will frequently update to the latest version of Wasmtime, which may also include breaking changes. The impact of breaking changes will be minimised by using [Obsolete] attributes to mark out-of-date APIs, which will print a warning in the Editor when called.