Help & Support
- Getting Started category provide a basic introduction to WASM concepts and an overview of Wasmbox.
- Basics category provides tutorials on how to use specific features.
- Advanced category provides suggestions on how more advanced features can be used.
- Reference category provides reference documentation for code/editor workflows.
Documentation Error 📚
If you find a simple problem in the documentation such as spelling or grammar you can directly edit the page to fix the problem by clicking the Edit This Page
link at the bottom of every page. For more complex problems (e.g. missing or unclear documentation) please open an issue on the Issue Tracker.
Bug Report 🐛
If you find a bug in Wasmbox please open an issue on the Issue Tracker. There is a template for bug reports, please fill it out in detail.
Feature Request 🚀
If you cannot achieve something with Wasmbox please open an issue on the Issue Tracker. There is a template for feature requests, please fill it out in detail.
Discord 💬
The Placeholder Software Discord Server is also available for support. Feel free to join the server and discuss bugs, features requests or to discuss the best way to achieve something with Wasmbox.
Email ✉️
If you have something confidential you want to discuss (or you just don't like Discord!) you can contact us by email at