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The WASI random number generation interfaces allows WebAssembly code to generate random numbers.


Generates pseudo random numbers using System.Random.

FastRandomSource accepts a seed value in the constructor, supplying the same seed will produce exactly the same sequence of random numbers. This can be used to ensure WASM execution is deterministic.


System.Random is not cryptographically secure. Do not use FastRandomSource for a WASM container which does any cryptography.


Generates pseudo random numbers using System.Security.RandomNumberGenerator.


System.Security.RandomNumberGenerator is approximately 50x slower than System.Random.


The base interface for all WASI RNG implementations. If the default RNGs do not fit your use-case custom implementations can be built using this interface

WasiError RandomGet(Caller caller, Buffer<byte> output)​

Fill Buffer with random data and return WasiError.SUCCESS to indicate success.

void Register(Linker linker)​

Add all functions of this implementation to the Linker. This can usually be implemented as a direct call to linker.Register(this);.