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An Instance is an instantiation of a Module, which can be used to execute WASM code. The Instance class is a wrapper around the wasmtime::Instance struct.

Constructing an Instance is usually done with a Linker, which provides all the imports the Module requires.


Action? GetAction<A,B,C...>(string name)​

Try to get a Function from this Instance with the given name which takes arguments A,B,C etc (up to 12 parameters) and returns nothing.

Func<A,B,C,...,R> GetFunction<A,B,C...R>(string name)​

Try to get a Function from this Instance with the given name which takes arguments A,B,C etc (up to 12 parameters) and returns R. If the function has multiple return types use a tuple as R.

// Get a function from WASM
var func = instance.GetFunction<int, float, (float, int)>("demo_function");

if (func == null)
throw new Exception("Oh no");

// Call it
(float, int) result = func(1, 2f);

Function? GetFunction(string name, Type? returnType, params Type[] parameterTypes)​

Try to get a Function from this Instance with the given name, and which returns returnType and accepts parameterTypes.


Using the GetAction<>/GetFunction<> versions are safer to use and are much faster to call.

Function? GetFunction(string name)​

Try to get a Function from this Instance with the given name.

Table? GetTable(string name)​

Try to get a Table from this Instance with the given name.

Memory? GetMemory(string name)​

Try to get a Memory from this Instance with the given name.

Global? GetGlobal(string name)​

Try to get a Global from this Instance with the given name.