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A Memory represents a contiguous array of bytes that WASM code can read and write. The Memory class is a wrapper around the wasmtime::Memory struct.


long PageSize​

Get the number of bytes in a page of memory.

long Minimum​

Get the minimum size of this memory in pages. The memory will always be at least Minimum * PageSize bytes in size.

long? Maximum​

Get the maximum size of this memory in pages, or null if there is no maximum.

bool Is64Bit​

Check if this memory represents a 64 bit memory (capable of representing more than 4GB).



long GetSize()​

Get the current size of this memory in pages.

long GetLength()​

Get the current size of this memory in bytes.

Grow(long delta)​

Grow the memory by delta pages.


This will invalidate any pointers or spans which refer to this memory.


Read<T>(long address)/Write<T>(long address, T value)​


WebAssembly is always little endian, on big endian platforms numeric values must be converted accordingly.

Read or write an unmanaged object of type T from the given address.

ReadString(long address, int length)​

Read a string starting at the given address, with the given length in bytes. Defaults to UTF8 encoding.

WriteString(long address, string value)​

Write a string to the given address. Defaults to UTF8 encoding.

ReadNullTerminatedString(long address)​

Read bytes starting at address until a zero is encountered, interprets those bytes as a UTF8 string.


Read or write a double to the given address, automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write a float to the given address, automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write an IntPtr (4 bytes or 8 bytes, depending on the host platform), automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write a long to the given address, automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write a int to the given address, automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write a int to the given address, automatically converting endianness if necessary.


Read or write a byte to the given address.

Get Pointer​


These methods return a pointer/Span which refers directly to the memory. These pointers can become invalid if Grow() is called or if any WASM is executed.

You should always acquire a new pointer/Span when external code executes and never store them.

unsafe IntPtr GetPointer()​

Get a pointer to the start of the memory.

Span<byte> GetSpan(long address, int length)​

Get a span of bytes which points to a section of memory.

Span<byte> GetSpan(long address)​

Get a span of bytes which starts at the given address and is as long as possible (4GB or to the end of the memory, whichever is smaller).

Span<T> GetSpan<T>(long address, int length)​

Get a span which interprets a region of memory as a sequence of unmanaged type T.