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A Store is the owner of all state in WASM. The Store class is a wrapper around the wasmtime::Store struct.

When A Module is instantiated within a Store all functions, globals, tables and memories are owned by the Store.


A Store is intended to be a short-lived object in a program. No form of GC is implemented so once an Instance is created within a Store it will not be deallocated until the Store itself is dropped.


void GC()​

Perform garbage collection of ExternRefs within this store.


It is not required to actively call this function. GC will automatically happen when internal buffers fill up. This is provided if fine-grained control over the GC is desired.

void AddFuel(ulong fuel)​

Adds fuel to this Store for WebAssembly code to consume while executing. See this guide for more information on fuel consumption.

ulong ConsumeFuel(ulong fuel)​

Remove fuel from this Store and returns the remaining amount of fuel. Throw WasmtimeException if there is insufficient fuel available.

See this guide for more information on fuel consumption.

ulong GetConsumedFuel()​

Get the total amount of fuel consumed within this Store.

void SetWasiConfiguration(WasiConfiguration config)​

Configure this store with WASI support.


Calling this method is not required if using the Wasmbox WASI implementation.

void SetEpochDeadline(ulong ticksBeyondCurrent)​

Configure the epoch deadline for execution. See this guide for more information on epoch interruption.

object? GetData()​

Get the C# accessible "context" associated with this Store.

SetData(object? data)​

Set the C# accessible "context" associated with this Store.

void Dispose()​

Destroy this Store, freeing all memory associated with it.