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WASM Asset

A WasmAsset is a WASM module which has been imported from a *.wasm or *.wat file and converted into a form ready to load at runtime. For WasmAsset scripting documentation see here.

WasmAsset Inspector​

WasmAsset Inspector

WASM Exports​

These sections show what is exported from the WASM module. Exports are things which can be accessed by C# scripts at runtime.

  • Function Exports: WASM Functions which can be called.
  • Memory Exports: Regions of memory (raw bytes) which can be read and written.
  • Global Exports: A single strongly typed value which can be read (and sometimes written).
  • Table Exports: A strongly typed table of values which can be read and written.

WASM Imports​

These section show what is imported by the WASM module. These things must be defined before the module can be instantiated and used.

  • Function Imports: A non-WASM function made available for WASM to call.
  • Memory Imports: A region of bytes which can be read and written by WASM.
  • Global Imports: A strongly typed values which can be read (and sometimes written) by WASM.
  • Table Exports: A strongly typed table of values which can be read and written by WASM.


This section shows the results of precompiling and compressing the WASM bytes. The help box shows the overall reduction in size.

If Compilation is enabled in the importer the coloured bars show the space used by the compiled code for each different platform.